IPU Intervisionsgruppe/ Kollegiale Beratung
IPU Kollegiale Beratung / Supervision
PRIDE CONSULTING Leadership Workshop
🌟 Finde Deinen eigenen Führungsstil! 🌟
Werde zur Führungskraft, die inspiriert und verbindet! In unserem Workshop entdeckst du deine eigene Stimme als Leader: Selbstreflexion, spannende Perspektiven und wertvolles Networking warten auf dich. Werde zur Führungskraft, die du sein willst! 🚀💼
Kollegiale Beratung / Peer Supervision
Kollegiale Beratung / Peer Supervision für Coaches und BeraterInnen
Explore the job market - WERK MAMA job coaching online workshop
Accepting the challenge. Finding a job in Berlin.
Kollegiale Beratung / Peer Supervision
Kollegiale Beratung für Coaches und BeraterInnen
Kollegiale Beratung / Peer Supervision
Kollegiale Beratung / Peer Supervision
Sticks & Stones
Stick & Stones in Berlin - Die Karrieremesse für LGBTQAI+ in Berlin - erlebe ein Einzelcoaching mit Dragan
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften IPU
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024 - Vortrag Dragan Simicevic
Explore the power in you: About self leadership - online workshop
Self-leadership is the practice of understanding who you are, identifying your desired experiences, and intentionally guiding yourself toward them. It spans the determination of what we do, why we do it, and how we do it. Learn how to lead yourself!
Kollegiale Beratung / Peer Supervision
Kollegiale Beratung / Peer Supervision
Explore the possibilities: Building own business - Brand building - online workshop
There is no one-fits-all approach to building a business, but there is YOUR UNIQUE WAY. We explore what it takes to create an authentic brand, develop a CEO mindset, implement effective business and marketing strategies, and grow sustainably.
Explore the job market - WERK MAMA job coaching online workshop
Accepting the challenge. Finding a job in Berlin!
Explore what you already have. About networks and connections - online workshop
Networking is the process of making connections and building relationships. These connections can provide you with advice and contacts, which can help you make informed career decisions. Do you know how to analyze your network?
Kollegiale Beratung / Peer Supervision
Kollegiale Beratung für Coaches und BeraterInnen
Explore Your habits and strengthen your Self: About stress and how to cope with it?
Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. Coping styles and symptoms vary. Learning how to cope with stress can help our mental and physical well-being.