My name is Dragan Šimičević, born in 1981. I am a graduate psychologist (Free University of Berlin), supervisor, personal coach and consultant. 


I was born in Sarajevo and grew up in Croatia. The desire for freedom, new experiences and self-actualizing brought me to Berlin. I decided to study psychology and focus on personality, work and organizational psychology. This is how I started my journey and remained true to my purpose of helping people and organizations to better understand, optimize and grow organically and in healthy and sustainable way.  

 I've been a psychologist since 2009. My beginnings were in the world of corporations and management consultancies, during this time I learned a lot about values, the cultures of large organizations and their structures. After this period of delving into the bigger picture I realized the importance of the individual. Their wishes, projects and goals fascinated me and this sparked my desire to train as a personal coach. I started study more about clinical psychology and heath management. 

 In 2021 I completed an MA in Leadership & Consulting and specialize in management consulting in psychodynamics at International Psychoanalytic University. 

Till 2025 worked as a leader and regional manager in Berlin as well as a psychologist and coach at JobCoaching in Potsdam and Berlin. Since 2011 I am an independent psychologist and consultant, process consultant and change manager for my own company EXPLORESELF. My clients include project managers and executives from various industries (art and culture, PR and marketing, event management and the health sector). I look after institutions from various areas - from SMEs in Berlin/Brandenburg to educational and social institutions and even cultural organization like museums. In addition to my psychological work, I am a photographer and visual artist - art and culture are part of my everyday life. What else is important to say? I love my life, my family, my boyfriend and friends and I am very grateful for all of them. 


  • Graduate Psychologist (Diploma)

    Freie Universität Berlin


  • Personal Coach

    Academy for Health & Business (AHAB)


  • Supervisor, Mediator & Facilitator

    Freie Universität Berlin & Deutsche Psychologen Akademie


  • Psychotherapist

    Zulassung Ausübung Psychotherapie Heilpraktiker

    Land Berlin

  • Master of Arts Leadership & Consulting

    International Psychoanalytic University


  • Supervisor

    International Psychoanalytic University


  • Coach/ Cosultant / Psychodynamics

    International Psychoanalytic University


  • Supervisor & Coach (DGSv)

    Ordentliches Mitglied Zertifizierung - Profil

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision und Coaching